His laughter has always been something special. From the time he was a baby. I recall snuggling right up with his sweetness and just touching under his chin... because it made him burst into the cutest baby laugh I had ever heard. And if I got the chin quiver along with the laugh? Oh. Heaven.
His laughter has never stopped. He continues to let it bubble on forth, right from his toes. And he just might take after his Mama... because that laugh is pretty loud, and he doesn't care who hears it. But that is not my favorite part. No sir-ee, Bob! My favorite part... is the space he needs to laugh. If he is watching America's Funniest Home Videos or Wipeout... he simply cannot sit on the couch. He will climb on down from the couch and declare that he needs more room. And so he plops down on the floor and rolls. Yes. He rolls on the floor with laughter. And I love the authenticity of it. Because it fits him.
The other night, he laughed from the chair... while we watched Home Alone 2. He laughed himself over the left arm, and half-way over the right. His laughter threw him backwards and then forward... and almost plopped him down on the floor. That chair... couldn't quite contain him. Nor could I capture it on camera. The way he lives his life... simply cannot be contained. The fun and the joy overflow right on out of his heart and spill onto the toes of the innocent by-standers. And I hope these bystanders are open to it. Because the way he chooses to live teaches me to grab the moment and the joy and the craziness. He reminds me to live outloud. And while I may have had a hand in teaching him way-back-when... grown-ups need reminding, more than we'd like to admit. And this grown-up... is really quite thankful to re-learn this lesson. Because it is just the way He wants us to live...
...I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10
Unwrapping his laughter on a Tuesday... and happy that Emily provides a place to share it.

My own little man is a big, big laugher.
There is nothing sweeter than listening to your child laugh.
Happy Tuesday.
I love getting little reminders on "how to live a full life" by those we supposedly taught! Enjoy your student/teacher!
I can just imagine what joy his laughter brings :) What a sweet gift.
Awesome. I can picture it in your description.
And hooray for the kids reminding us of what we taught them originally. Cool.
Life to the full. Cam is such a good example of what Jesus wants for us all. . . not just for 13-year-old boys, but for all of us. Would that we would learn from him and take whatever space we need to be authentic.
I love that you are a mom who gives her kids space to be what they really are.
he needs to help his little cousin to live out loud...
Oh to laugh out loud!! He is taking advantage of the gift of laughter!!!
This had me smiling and i threw out a laugh or two as well. You know I appreciate laughter as well...I hope he never outgrows his big laugh, it is contagious.
Living out loud is the only way to be.
ps. The way he laughs, might just double as excercise. right?
This is awesome. What a fun and funny kid. :)
I love this! That is one of my favorite verses! thanks for sharing!
I would love it if it spilled all over me! I love people who laugh like that, when you couldn't stay in a bad mood if you wanted to. I can almost hear it.
Your new blog is so pretty!
Oh, Dawn. He is so lucky to have a mama like you! This: "The way he lives his life... simply cannot be contained." is lovely. And I stare at that picture of your boy shaking my head with tears and a smile that mine are really going to get that big one day. And then even bigger!!
Love this.
I am smiling and tickled just reading about your son being so delighted!
Thanks for sharing your joy it's contagious!
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