We were talking about the Sundays in Lent and she shouted out loophole! And just the other night, in the middle of a simple conversation he used the word upholstery. When and how did they shed their smallness? All I can figure is that in the blur of breakfast-lunch-and-dinner, and between shouts of did you brush your teeth? and all the rest of life that is so daily... they misplaced it. Somehow, we are talking about graduation and sophomore classes, and in small ways, it hurts just a little bit. But the big picture has me amazed, and grateful. She speaks of adventure and tomorrow. I peek at his grades online and am utterly A-mazed. And maybe I realize that it is all grace.
I present my desires and my wishes and my biggest hopes to Him... and He pours love all over them.
Only He could take us from there to here... and only He could ease the little bit of hurt and replace it with joy and excitement over the tomorrows that are just down the road. All grace...