It has been just two years... since I dove, heart first, into blogging. I barely knew what a blog was... but I pushed the "create" button anyway. And I just kept on going. A leap of faith? Or perhaps just a blind leap into the unknown, since I really didn't know what I was getting myself into. What I did know, was that I had words and stories and thoughts and emotions all bottled up in my head, and the jumble of it was worthless. And so I began. Day after day... the words poured out and my fingers typed away, recording the past and the present, along with the everyday ordinary. Every so often I wonder of I am out of words... but so far, God keeps on providing. Just today... I had that what if I hadn't done this kind of thought. Because this little blog... has brought such gifts my way. Beautiful gifts. Gifts I might have missed out on.
- I see the little bits of life that make up a day, instead of viewing it as one big blur. Better yet, I find myself seeking them. And I think... it makes a better life for me and for my family.
- The girl I was, and have always been, kept her stuff inside... the good the bad and especially the ugly. By letting some of it out through my words, I have let others see the real me. My Mom says she knows me more than she ever has. And I think I know myself better than ever before...
- Friendships have always been a priority for me... and I cherish them. I certainly never dreamed that I would make such wonderful friends through blogging... but I have. Each, a gift. Someday I hope to meet them face to face instead of just knowing them heart to heart.
- My faith has grown. By sorting out my own thoughts, and reading the thoughts and prayers of others. It has added one more facet to learning about the wonderful God & Savior we share.
- Two years... is quite a commitment. I don't like to be a quitter, but I certainly am not great at completing everything. But maybe... if I can do this... I can learn to finish what I start.
- In writing, I have found a passion... that isn't messy. Unless you count emotions, of course. But there are no scraps of paper to clean up, no pins to pick up off the floor. Just me and my heart, and the keyboard.
I don't know if one day the words will be dried up and gone... or if the gifts that sit on the doorstep of my heart will last forever. But whatever will be, will be. And it will be alright. Because I know to cherish these things right now. And it has taken blogging to teach me that. Cherish... and savor. I'm not sure I fully knew how to do that until now. I do hope that the cherishing and savoring will go on forever... long after the words are gone.
You sound like me.. I felt like I had things bottled up inside me that needed to come out too and just decided one day to 'go for it'. I'm so glad you went for it!
what a beautiful post about the treasures of blogging. I am so glad I found you in blogland!
Your words are a gift and you will never run dry...each day, something new will pop up; a memory, a lesson, a thought.
I am glad to know you as a friend in real life. Here I am learning even more about you, more to love.
So well written :) Congratulations on two years! Hope the passion and daily gifts continue to dawn your doorstep.
That's wonderful, Dawn.
dawn! what a beautiful post! you are a wonderful writer and i am so glad we "met"! congrats on sticking with it for two years! looking forward to a bunch more! xo
The gift that you share is special and sweet! I look forward to how you vividly display your life through words!! Keep 'em coming!!
this is a beautiful post and "gift" of a reminder why we do blog ... thank you for sharing this today!
Oh, wow! I nearly missed this post!! What a shame that would have been for me.
I am so glad to have you for a friend. I hope to meet you face-to-face someday. Somehow, I think I would know you. . . I think I could find you even in a very crowded room. I don't think I'd have to approach and say, "Are you Dawn?" My heart knows you, and I think I'd recognize you anywhere.
For now, I'll savor things along with you. . . including the joy of knowing you heart-to-heart.
Happy 2 years!
I love your words--straight from your heart~ you have a gift.
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