He'll sweep in, buzzing about chaotic December, ponder the young couple he made room for in his stable, then sweep out, deciding that they'll be fine and he doesn't need to check on them. It makes me think about the making room in our hearts and our lives, and then missing out on the very thing we made room for.
I swirl a finger through the dust of my go-to devotional, and leaf through until I find the message for today. Those Jesus-breathed words speak to my very day. Tears flow, because I know... that there would be words for every day if I just flipped opened the orange-gold cover. The busy of December rushes me and the crush starts to weigh heavy. But I must make room... and then still my soul to rest in the glory of His Light.

I so needed this word this morning, Dawn. I am busy, but I should never be too busy to bask in His love. That's what it is, right? Being loved on by the Father. Why do I run from it so? Praying your day is blessed.
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