He loves me, he loves me...
He loves me, he loves me...
I am counting my blessings... after too long of being sick and crabby and hard to live with... that I know he loves me. He loves the woman I was when we began our life together, the beautiful mess of a woman I am today, and yes, the woman God is still creating me to be. It is a promise I thank God for everyday.

So sweet.
Aren't we blessed to have such a man in our lives? They're getting harder to find, or so I hear.
Sounds like you have a "keeper" for sure. The love shows on your faces.
I love this so much. :) But hey....what's not to love? Even when you are a mess of a woman, you are still lovable.
We have been through a few times when those in sickneses and in health vows have come in to play. Like you, so thankful to have someone to walks through those times with me and when the shoe was on the other foot (his time of surgery) I could do the same for him.
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