This sign makes me think, though. How many times have I drawn my own line in the sand, or decided how far I can really go before I even tried? My comfort zone is small, and I tell myself that I don't want to grow, I am done learning. I could be happy here forever, this place is good. But this spring, something in me {maybe the Holy Spirit} grabbed me by the heart and pulled me out into the unknown. Past the I can't and the I don't want to to the maybe you can. Sometimes it just takes a little courage to tip toe over the line... and where you go from there? The possibilities are endless. {But if you are in Africa, please make sure there are no hungry lions beyond this point before you make your move!}

P.S. His two weeks on the other side of the world were amazing.
More photos and stories coming soon.
I love it! I can't wait to see more from his trip and maybe a thought or two. ;)
Yes, you can and you have!
Expanding our horizons can be scary, but so rewarding.
The photo makes me snicker and also reminds me of a few 'rule breakers' that I know.
The comfort zone is hard to get out of….and I kid that I don't want to learn. ever. But how fun is it to try something new and enjoy it? Very.
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