Once upon a time, the year 2000 seemed so far in the future... and here we are in 2017. As my head churns words into my heart, I am feeling the need to catch up, just a little...
1. ringing in 2017 with a poinsettia: champagne & cranberry juice...
i actually stayed awake this year!
i actually stayed awake this year!
2. laura & cam headed off for a weekend adventure: camping and a renaissance faire!
3. and while they were all busy, i made the most of an empty house and threw a winter brunch!
4. in october i started volunteering at the zoo with my mom...
this is a little animal enrichment we made last week!
this is a little animal enrichment we made last week!
5. it has been a game playing couple of weeks... we managed
a few rounds of tokaido before camden packed it up to bring it to school.
a few rounds of tokaido before camden packed it up to bring it to school.
6. a night out with friends... always a fun time at wine club!
7. one last hockey game hurrah before...
8. we say goodbye to cam at the airport. faces covered to protect the crazies...
9. her traditional wrapping paper...

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