Life keeps us running... and lately, with all of Laura's marching band events, we are putting one foot in front of the other faster than usual. We love it... but the weekends are gone before we know it. And it would be an understatement to say that there are things that are not getting done at our house. This weekend, we decided to push on through Sunday and catch up. Laundry? Groceries? Vacuuming? No... we caught up with each other. Because there are some things that you cannot put off another day.
We spent the afternoon wandering back through history... at the Old Florida Festival. While the wind swirled around us it seemed to also whisper the stories of days gone by. We laughed when the telegraph man described Morse code as the original text messaging.

Laura marveled over the lap weaver... and Camden made rope. Thankfully, not quite long enough to tie up his sister. We all stood, fingers in our ears, waiting for the cannon blast.

And while we explored the yesterdays, we discovered today... and enjoyed it as a family.

It is Tuesday... and I am thankful to have this family day to unwrap. See what the others are unwrapping today at
Emily's Chatting at the Sky.
And what a nice family it is! Aren't those days just the best? When you can not do all the things you think you really need to do and do the things you do need to do?
Sounds like a great day, Dawn. Thanks for inspiring the rest of us to forget the least for a few hours!
Awwwww. That sounds wonderful, Dawn. And I like that family picture at the end of the post (=
Family Days are the best! It's time to reconnect and just be together, healing the hurt and the frustration and the busy-ness. I'm so glad you all got a day to yourselves.
This is so sweet. Hooray for family days!
Family days are priceless. Glad you took time to make one happen.
Good for you for pushing aside the housework for family time. Sounds like it was worth it.
Good for you to take the day to 'catch up'! :-) What a great gift to unwrap. are the one person who always knows what is more important: family time vs chores!
I would have made the family spend time together DOING chores. But then again, they would not like me very much would they?
:) Looks like a fun the pictures.
What a wonderful day! LoVe the family picture! all the other stuff will wait right, but days like that won't!
Yes! Hip Hip Hooray for family day!
What you wrote really hit me. Pushing through a day to catch up...I ALWAYS feel behind and often don't give our family the freedom to play together cause we have "things to do". Some things can't be put off one more day. Well put. Thanks!
You are so amazing!
And I didn't contribute today, but wanted to thank you for your kind words to me the other day.
It really meant a lot.
Love this post!
We also enjoyed a family day this past weekend. It's hard for me to forget about all the other stuff that needs to be done, but it so worth it in the end...and exactly what I needed.
Cool family fun Dawn. Enjoy these busy days while you can, cuz the kids will be grown and out on their own before you know it. Ahhhhhh. Seems like only yesterday I had 2 sweet kiddos at I just have 2 crazy dogs. I still miss my children.
Having fun together, laughing, talking, learning a few little things about each other you didn't know the day before = memories. Dumb ole laundry will always be there.
Sounds like a great day.
I think family time is way more important than a clean house.
What fun. It makes me happy to see that photo of all four of you enjoying yourselves--each of you finding joy in your own different ways, but doing it as a family. Cool. And how wonderful to have this time to savor right in the middle of such a busy season, heading into yet another busy season. Good for you.
Love you,
I love this--your priorities are SO in the right place. Vacuuming can wait--this was too good to miss!
Nothing better than a good day with family...I just love the way Eric is totally stretched out on that makes me laugh!!!
I'm so glad you were able to enjoy the day and just BE together! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that photo of all of you!! Christmas photo?
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