We've been busy... and not.
It seems like summer has barely begun, and is already racing away.
So what to do, but wrap up one more school year and make time for fun and dreams and dreaming. And this boy? The Florida native who loves looking like a tourist? And just says I'm going to the mall and drives himself?
Is now a high school junior.
In total disbelief I asked him can you believe you are half-way through high school?! He looked at me with that look and said yes. I don't think about his perspective... the daily grind of sleepy mornings, homework and testing, and feeling every single day like high school may never end. If I do take the moment to think about it, I remember it well, and with a smile, I nod. Well, yes, I guess you can believe it.

That salad. Looks amazing. Is that something you made, or was it from a restaurant? I need the recipe . . . :)
I need more information about this salad. asap.
Love seeing the little dancer and that tourist kid always makes me smile! Hello? Airplane? What? I need to know! Please, always let me know if he is in the air, but after the fact. My heart can't take it!
Love the shirt! I'll have to be on the look out for something here. ;)
Yes, summer is flying - already two weeks gone. What!? Enjoy your time with that boy who is nearly grown. Hugs.
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