February 13, 2015

the january traditions...

I look forward to the day every year, and this day was no different- except that I had been watching the weather all week, and it didn't look good.  All of Friday had me hoping the storm would pass through early, or hold off until after the fun.  Usually I am just in denial, but waking up Saturday morning, there was no denying the sound of rain. A lot of rain. And thunder. We hadn't heard that in months.

Camden headed out early anyway, armed with a jacket, umbrella and a spare pair of shoes.  He likes the rain, doesn't mind getting wet. We followed a couple of hours later, windshield wipers swishing across the glass. By the time we arrived downtown, Cam had found his chalk square, and the rain was just a mist.  We took our place in the not-so-long line, and anticipated hot soup in gorgeous bowls.

And then we were off to Fifth Ave to find Cam and his chalk square... and wander in and around the other works of art that had taken over the pavement.

by cam & friends... using splatter paint to overcome their disappointment of having to paint the logo instead of pandas...

The sun has overcome the rain and clouds, and was shining strong by noon.  We would have enjoyed this day of giving (donations for soup, time for chalk) in the rain if we had to, but everything seems sweeter with the golden rays of the sun!


Southern Gal said...

Such a blessing to have the rain let up so you all could enjoy the day. Do you get to buy the bowls themselves or just use them for the soup? And everyone has to paint something specific with chalk art?

Busy Bee Suz said...

I was so happy to see that the rain knew how important this day was for you and the family. I personally would have loved to see some Pandas in that chalk art as well....but they did a great job!!!

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