Or, to be more accurate... an orca whale.
Long before he ever met Shamu, my son was in love with Lolita... the orca at the Miami Seaquarium. He toted his little love around everywhere. I don't know what their connection was... all I knew was that there was a special one. His love of Orca's led to one of our favorite books... the Dory Story. It could've been about my Camden... an imagination combined with fascination. Once and a while we sit down together and read it again. He has watched every Free Willy movie... and someday I hope he has the chance to see these beautiful whales out in their natural habitat.
Last weekend we trekked back to Seaworld- Cam & I along with my sister and her little ones. There were many moments worthy of being tucked away and treasured... but what he was most thrilled about was sitting in the front row at the Shamu show. Seeing the whale up close... and getting soaked.
I suppose when you are in love with a whale, you better not mind squishing along in your wet shoes.
Happy A to Z Monday! I wonder what my friends have chosen this week... Check it out over at Jen's Unglazed!
Excellent W.
Love the photos.
Cam must Really like Shamu to sit in that front row! Perhaps some day he will get a chance to go whale watching.
Happy Monday Dawn, have a Whale of a good day.:)
I also have a love of whales....but was never able to carry one around like Cam.
Great pictures and Great W word!
I took my kids to Seaworld in Ohio once. They loved the whale show too! My daughter used to sleep with a stuffed Shamu.
Whales are so marvelous. One of those creations that make you say, "WOW, God has such a great imagination!!" Who else could have even thunk it?!
Great W word!
El Perfecto W word!
I miss seeing all the whales along the So CA coast.
Good choice for a W! The biggest W of the bunch, too!
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