And so it goes... I'm not quite sure where 2009 went, but here we go... leaping into 2010. Ready or not. This past year has been a good friend... and we have laughed our way through it, even if there were times we certainly could have cried.
And it always helps... to have the Savior by your side.
Today, well lived, makes every yesterday a memory of happiness
and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day.
p.s.~ word has it that this was the best birthday ever. more on that to come!
p.p.s.~ eric says... VOTE everyday! (see the side bar for the link to eric's ham entry!)

Happy New Year, my friend!
And happy birthday to your young man. Always good to have the best birthday ever. :)
Is that a SANDman (as in...not a snowman, but a sandman)?? Cuuuuuuute.
Happy B-day Camden :) I saw a picture of what I think lends to the best b-day ever on fb, and it was very cool!
Oh, and I voted for Eric =)
Hi Dawn..
voted for Eric..check
you expressed my thoughts exactly!
Have a wonderful, blessed New Year..
see ya !same time, year!
warm hugs..laughing smiles..
Dawn, one of the reasons 2009 was a good year for me was meeting you!
I'm always so glad to come here. You are such a good writer, and you're such a beautiful soul. I love you and I wish for you a wonderful 2010.
Me again. . . just to say that I've already voted for Eric a couple of times, and I'll keep voting as often as possible! Sure hope he wins!
I love your sand snowman. So cute! :) A friend of mine found an ornament like that to commemorate a trip to the beach.
This is my first chance to say that I love your signature! It's beautiful :)
Happy new year to you! I hope the new year is one of joy and peace for you. And I can't wait to hear all about the best birthday ever??
Happy New Year to you! Where did this year go?
I'm just getting caught up - the ham entries definitely crack me up.
Happy New Year to you and yours!
love the sandman! and I have been voting! Good Luck Eric!
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