Early this morning the traffic guy gave a shout out to his wife & kids… thanking then for the Valentine they had snuck into his car before his early morning ride to the TV studio. And on my walk, there was a pretty red box wrapped in cellophane waiting for an unsuspecting someone on the trunk of their car. Sweet, I thought. There were years that I left surprises like that everywhere for my Sweetie. But this year? I am feeling kind of lame. Our house is decked out in pinks and reds and multi-colored candy hearts… and I had a million ideas to make beautiful Valentines… but I lost my motivation on the ride home from work Thursday. And over the weekend? Well, it never returned.
This year, we declared no gifts… because neither one of us need any more chocolate, or really, anything else. So we packed the weekend with time spent together. Just us. And all four of us. And we exchanged cards yesterday at Walgreens… kinda. We each chose one we would have bought and then exchanged them right there in the store. And then put them back. While our hearts sing All We Need Is Love, the world around us is chipping away at our song and the guilt is quietly slipping in telling us that we should do more. Part of me wants to shout back nuh-uh… and other parts of me want to run through the Valentine aisle and grab a bunch of I Love You balloons and stacks of sparkling red hearts. And maybe just a little chocolate.
But in the end, I decide to remain strong. I accepted his text-invitation to $4.99 tacos, and I will frost my red velvet heart shaped cakes for dessert. And the four of us will sit and laugh together and probably tease about loooooove. And I will know for sure that all of the extras I could have bought would not have made the night any more beautiful…
sounds like a perfect way to spend the weekend! I love the idea of passing out Valentines at Walgreens!!
YOU are beautiful!! and honestly, i am right there with you! little gifts can come and go ... but the memory of exchanging cards {and laughs} in the aisle of walgreens ... that's a priceless memory i'd take over chocolate ANY day!! :)
this is another time i wish blogs had a 'like' button like facebook =). so neat!
I am laughing at your 'exchanging' of cards in the store. I wonder if this counts as being GREEN????
Gifts or no gifts, you both know the meaning of Valentines day; all year long.
So sweet, Dawn. Perfect evening.
Sounds wonderful! I love the exchage of cards in walgreens! waste not, want not!! :-)
Loved the card giving at Walgreens. I might have to use that. I am so frugal, I can't spend on them, yet I love how some of them can say just the right thing.
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