If we were really meeting for coffee today, I might sit and listen more than chat... but I'd be sure to share my excitement over last week's homecoming. In pictures.
I love when she gets all dressed up... and I love that she can get all dressed up and still look like who she really is. I think it is such a gift to have no fancy illusions of who you want to be, and just be okay with who you are. I try to take in the lessons she lives and breathes...
If we were really meeting for coffee, I'd definitely ask you Have you read Grace for the Good Girl? I finished it and then started right back at the beginning. Yes, I loved it that much. Reading Emily's words are like reading into a mirror. As I read, I shredded my Amazon packing slip so that I could mark the words that struck my heart. Words like "My idea of who I should be is at war with who I am. I want to be perfect in every situation. I just do. I want to know what to do. I want to know how to do it right. And I want to do it.All.By.My.Big.Self." Uh... hello. And how about this... "I stay strong when I feel weak, and I fake happy when I want to cry because my ideal image has everything to do with put together and nothing to do with falling apart." And so you know that Emily shares the Grace? "You are not responsible to have it all together. You are free to respond to the One who holds all things in His hands. You do not have to live up to impossible expectations. You are free to wait expectantly on Jesus, the One who is both author and perfecter of your faith." As I got the the end, and as I am beginning again, I find myself tearing those slips of paper in half so I can mark one more passage. I really need to get out a highlighter.
If we were really meeting for coffee today, I'd thank you for the prayers. Yes, it has been a tough couple of weeks, but I am doing okay. Better. I have given up a few volunteer commitments... because even though I enjoy volunteering, there comes a breaking point. A time when you realize that your volunteer time is taking you away from the very people you are supporting. And even if you still have the time to spend, the energy needed to participate in your family is long gone. I've been right there and a little beyond. But day by day I am finding myself again... making rest, and breathing, a priority.
If we were really meeting for coffee today, I'd be thrilled...

what a beautiful post..
got me right where it should..
both in the heart and soul of me..
I'm gonna find that book..
and read it from cover to cover..
probably again to really savor all the previous devourment!(my word!)
I think she is adorable..
whether tatty or dressy..
all of who she is comes shining through radiantly!
thanks for the virtual invite..
I'm enjoying my morning cup of yummy inspiration as we chat..
but if the meetup could be for real.. our jaws would hurt from all the chatter, laughter after a few tears! most of all..it would be super to meet someone I've long admired!
warm sandy hugs...
laughing smiles too!
Art and I had a date a couple weekends ago and had a pumpkin spice latte . . . YUM. Fall in a cup.
When it's time for your farm safari, you should come during the fall. :) We've been having lovely weather here. Which we totally deserve, after the misery of summer, and before the misery of winter. I'm just sayin.
I'm so glad to know you, Dawn. Your blog is always like a comfy place to rest. Your words make me smile, because they speak your heart.
Just so you know. . . I love you. Boy, do I wish we were really meeting for coffee.
By the way, I'm trying to remember. What product do you use to produce your pumpkin spice coffee??
I've been scouring the stores for Pumpkin Spice and havent' found any yet! I would almost be willing to drive hours to get to sit down to yours, though. ;)
Priorities. Getting them right takes a great deal of trial and error I've found. So glad you're doing better.
Grace for the Good Girl? I'm still on Chapter 3. Maybe I should try your approach and finish it then go back. I keep re-reading and it's going slowly.
Great pictures as always.
I wish I could have exuded the confidence your daughter already graces when I was a teen..or an early adult...or now. LOL : ) What a fun dress and a cute way to jazz it up to be exactly what she wanted it to be. Love it. : )
I love her dress. It's far classier than anything I wore in high school.
every time i see a give-away for emily's book i enter it, i am determined to win one : ) but really i will probably just have to wait until it comes to the library...i am glad you liked it so much, i love her blog. she is so different from me, and i like that. love the homecoming pictures! thanks for sharing your coffee this morning : )
oh how i'd love a real cup of coffee with you ... i'd soak in every word ...
love the homecoming photos, so full of joy and fun.
smiling to hear you're "better" ... praying it continues to joy unspeakable! xoxo
Just a lovely lil' coffee break with my fave friend. It fills my heart to the rim knowing you are doing better...feeling better and enjoying it as you should be.
Laura...she is something. Love that girl.
i'm finally catching up on coffee chats, but my internet's being a pain and i can't see any of your pics :( but i can enjoy your words :) and i'll go check out your book recommendation! thanks for coffee xx
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