It wasn't too many Sundays ago, that our conversation turned to eternity while we driving to church. Oh how to explain that this life on earth is but a blink of an eye compared to the life that is to come... but I tried, and they somehow had a grasp on it already. I am always amazed by where they are in their faith... and how I feel like I am still catching up to them. But their tool boxes are deep... filled with bible stories, lessons and the constant stream of Christian radio. In that, we find common ground and conversation, as a sermon touches on or brings into focus a verse of the "Jesus music" that is woven through our everyday. This Sunday the sermon was on Esther, and how could I help but picture her tall and willowy and... green. Yes, sometimes those stories are the most vivid in
Veggie Tale splendor... even still.
Eternity has been on my heart...
*A friend shared how she felt so blessed that she reached out to someone this side of eternity.
*A lovely lady from our church, who just had a heart attack, is a miracle standing. The doctors told her she died three times... and she spoke of a white door, and that Jesus would certainly be there to greet us. If I didn't know her, I would be leery... but thinking about it just the same. Especially since she felt so comfortable to share it with her arm around another friend who just lost his wife. My insides wrestle with it... and I wonder if it could have possibly brought him a bit of comfort?
*And then there are my prayers for healing... the ones that I feel are desperate in the face of hospice. And how I dare to ask for more time with her, when I know what lies on the other side is glorious and pain free.

And so Jimmy Buffet's tune {from
Hoot} Wondering Where the Lions Are runs through my head a dozen times a day...
Sun's up, uh huh, looks okay. The world survives into another day. And I'm thinking about eternity...
Our finite minds can't even begin to comprehend what He has for us. And I love that song.
Oh Dawn... So sorry about your friend...I know you have been wanting a miracle...luckily heavenis through that door!
Pain free.....for eternity.
On the days that I miss Momma so much, I'm reminded that I'm only separated from her for just a little bit, then together for eternity! Oh, the Hope we have!
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