August 08, 2013


Sunday our Youth is presenting to the church... a recap about our trip to San Antonio.  I think I have to write the program... but I am still trying to find it all in my head and heart.  Some people work best under pressure.  And some only work under pressure... that would be me.  But this is one of those times when I am just not ready.  I need to soak myself in the information and the memories, and let them juice around.  The church is going to want to know more than we ate Tex-Mex food eight meals in a row, but at the moment I'm hungry and my head can't get past a grand craving for tamales....

When I flip back through the photos, I see what I need... and know that God has not hidden what I need to know.  It is all there, in almost-living color...

...I just need to sort through my hundreds {and hundreds} of photos. 
If only I still had access to this thinking cap I borrowed from some {mortified} teen boy...

That is MY kind of sombrero!!!!


Southern Gal said...

You'll have it all together by then. I'm a last minute person. Rebekah takes after her mama as much as I'd like for her NOT take after me in that aspect. It looks as if you would disappear under that sombrero if you let it go! Big hat!

Busy Bee Suz said...

You do work best under pressure. :)
That hat? Think of all the chips and salsa it could hold for us!!!!

M said...

I know it will be perfect :)

Mindy said...

Prayers that God will speak perfectly through your presentation. I can identify with the working under pressure - maybe because I tend to procrastinate and HAVE to work that way : )

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