One last look in the mirror before I headed out the door to work... Mmmm... okay. Looking like a stylish young mom today. I turned my face away, but then looked back... young? All at once it came to me... my age, and where I am in my life. I'm not just a girl anymore... so does a 37 year old woman still qualify as a young Mom? How did I get to this place? I no longer have to look closely to see the lines around my eyes and mouth... but are those lines not evidence of the laughter and the smiles that each days brings my way? Married to a man whose love astounds me... with two children- one whose eyes I have to look up to see into, and the other quickly closing in ... a real job and a real house... a settled life. It is what I have always wanted... and here I am in the midst of it. Are the best days behind me? Are there no dreams left for me to dream? Or perhaps my best days are ahead? As I step back to look around, through eyes now open, and see my life I realize something. My best days are right now. Today. And tomorrow... and the next. Somehow I have made it to this place... where my simple dreams have become a reality and I choose to make every day the best day. I choose to play penguins with my son at bedtime... I choose to put my arms around my daughter and whisper a compliment in her ear... I choose to act silly and make my husband laugh. I am living my life... every day. I am etching these moments on my heart... so that when darkness trickles in I can rely on love. So while the mirror might tell one story... I am listening to another. A story full of giggling and friendships and love... and life.

Life brings simple pleasures to us every day. It's up to us to make them wonderful memories.
-Cathy Allen.
The yesterdays make us who we are today, so that we can become what we will be tomorrow. I'm glad you choose Joy!
BTW- I thought I was looking in the mirror when I see your smiling face here...(which is adorable by the way!!!)'s the shirt.
I am at this very moment wearing the same one, but in the shades of brown and black. :D
such a beautiful post from a beautiful woman.
Did you know how much I needed this little reminder today?????
I was considering covering the mirrors here....but it seems accepting and appreciating the lines (and rolls) may be easier. Maybe. You are the best.
And I have to say....**You are beautiful inside and out, but someone has lost some weight**
a beautiful post! Such a sweet and happy picture!
have a great weekend!
HA! I couldn't go without one last comment about this post! First of all...I love the title!! I can't tell you how many times I have paused throughout life (but especially lately) and thought the EXACT same thing! It made me laugh out loud! Sometimes...a lot of the time...I'm not quite sure how I got here or how it is possible that so many of my dreams came true. It's good to be reminded to stop and take it all in. I think that is why I just LOVE this idea of writing it all down and sharing it with other people and having it there for myself to reread. The days go by so fast...this helps me to stop every once in awhile and remember the little parts that make up the WHOLE picture, and what a great gift to pass on to your children...a love of writing and a little piece of yourself in your own words.
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