It stared with a simple
I love you to my son... as I was checking e-mail and he was headed to the TV. He turned back to me and just said...
love you more. Wanting to play just a bit longer... I asked
are you sure? He peeked his face back around the door frame, and as matter of fact as could be, he replied-
If I stretched my arms out as wide as I love you, they'd reach all the way to Pluto. I smiled... and decided to let him win. My heart smiled... and I thought of our favorite little book we read together when he was little...
Guess How Much I Love You. At the end of the story, the little bunny tells his Momma that he loves her to the moon... then, as the baby drifts off to sleep, that Momma whispers
I love you to the moon... and back. Funny how ten or so years can zip by... and in a moment, you can be transported back to those toddler years. I am thankful for these times... and thankful that my little man still has his little boy heart.

See what other moment have been unwrapped this week at
Chatting at the Sky.
that is just too too sweet~
sandy toe
"thankful that my little man still has his little boy heart." That's just precious!
ooo...this was good. Praying my little man keeps that little boy heart forever!
made me cry!! my oldest is 11 and I treasure those moments when he hugs me or tells me he loves me without a groan or sigh!
have a great day!
Happy Tuesday!
thank you for making me smile this morning.
I love that special boy!!! He is a sweetie. Can I have him?
That book still makes me cry. I know you are not even surprised by that.
Thanks for sharing. So sweet. So wonderful.
What a precious memory to treasure :o)
It's comforting to know that bigger kids still say sweet things--that eases the quickly passing years just a bit.
Sweet boy!
Awww... how sweet! One of those memories that leaves a heart print forever.
Have a blessed week!
Tänia of Faith Prints
That really is so sweet. My six year old and I are always saying things like that to each other...and I love it1
Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog!
I had a little boy like that once. How I miss that little kid.
That's too sweet. I've been bribing hugs and kisses from my three-year-old by telling him it's still Mother's Day. Shameless, I know.
Love this! How sweet!! Is he your youngest? I notice that youngest boys are so precious. My youngest is 6 and still tells me, "Mommy, I will always be your baby." He is so loving, and always says out of the blue that he loves me. Thank you for stopping by my blog!! I am enjoying peeking in at yours. Blessings!
Isn't it these moments that you prayed for when they were small? Absolutely a dream come true and evidence that you've done everything just right.
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