Knowing that I had built up my expectations for the Youth Gathering so high, I tried to knock them down a bit. But with my daughter by my side, it was nearly impossible... and she was the best part of the gathering for me. The way her pen scribbled across the page during the bible study... trying to jot down every bit of Jesus she could manage. The way she danced with me during praise & worship... raising up our arms together, for joy and to praise His glorious name. The friend she was... to our group and anyone else that we came in contact with. Seeing her faith in action.
It was my dream to share this once-in-her-lifetime event with her... and for the dream to become reality? Oh, God is so good. And now... that the dream has past... I hold the sweet memories in my heart. Forever.

I am so glad you were able to experience this together. What a memorable weekend for you all.
hugs, Suz
Amazing! So glad you got to enjoy such a great time together! : )
What an experience! I have chills reading this. You and your girl are something else :)
Definitely a treasured memory.
So special. Nothing better than these kinds of memories.
I'm with Corinne -- I got the chills reading this and listening to the music on your site! Awesome!!
Nothing better than worshiping with your children by your side.
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