It's Tuesday... time to gather for coffee.
And today? It's the real thing. With a splash of sugar-free pumpkin spice syrup. My throat is feeling better (thank you, doxycyline) and I wil reserve tea-time for this evening when I am craving something sweet. Tea is under a million calories, you know...
Today, I am wishing we really were meeting up for coffee. Not only am I feeling better, but my mood is up, infused with hope. And hope is good, no matter where it is directed. And if we were really meeting today, I'd tell you that fall is in the air, or at least the mirage of fall. Pumpkin patches are appearing along-side the roads, there is cider in my fridge, and there was chili on my table... even though the afternoons are still reaching 86 degrees.
If we were really meeting for coffee today... I might share that I had to dish out some tough love this weekend. Oh, it hurt my heart, but it was necessary. No yelling, no punishments... just a reality check. I don't think she quite understands what is coming up in her life... and how soon it will arrive, and while I would move heaven and earth for her, there is a point when it is time to sink or swim. Oh, I hope she swims.
The rest of the weekend? Well, it was so nice to have nothing on my to-do list! And my husband was working, so there was no rush to go out and do something. I did accomplish a few things... like straighten the garage, clean the floor of my sewing room. And it seems... there is nothing like cleaning up a creative mess to get the creative juices flowing again. So I spent some time creating a new bible cover, just for fun. And... on my way from taking Laura to the barn on Saturday, I pulled into an empty parking lot, sat with my coffee and watched this...
I wish you had been here.
And if we were really meeting for coffee today, I would tell you that I just had my physical. And just because we are friends... I might ask you if you have had yours. Because I care about you. And friends want their friends to be as healthy as they are, right? For me it is not the actual appointment that keeps me from going... it is the making the appointment, picking up the phone. But you are important, and worth the trouble. I won't bug you... just planting the seed.

Happy Tuesday... meeting here with you, in real life or virtually, is a wonderful part of my week.

hi dawn, happy to meet and sip with you for the first time.
what a gorgeous sunset!
looking forward to getting to know you!
Yum chili! And that sunrise? sunset? is so beautiful. :)
I have a physical next week. I am not excited. Blech. :)
I am so glad you made the appointment and WENT!!!
Yes, I had mine. Thanks for asking.
Love this sunrise. "Sonrise"
Tough love? that is the only kind of love a parent can give is our job, our right, our privilege. And you are a good Mom for giving it.
I am LOVING this weather. For me, it seems more relevant this year than ever before..I was SO READY.
Mmmmm coffee with you, minus the caffeine aftermath. Thanks.
You are too cute... my mom is sitting here next to me (we got an unexpected extra visit due to some car troubles on my brothers end...) and saying that that's the time for it (I remember a few doses of tough love... and while it's not fun, lessons are certainly learned!)
Sending some love...
Your virtual coffee posts make me feel like we did have a little chat. Love it. And I am chuckling at the "making the appointment" thing. And the "find a provider that's covered" thing. And the "calling while they are open" thing. I am so overdue for the dentist, I may not have teeth for much longer...
thanks for coffee. even though i hate coffee--this kind I like.
Hi Dawn! Glad to stop by. Loved the "coffee". Thank you!
Also, thank you for the reminder for annual physicals... Will make my appointments right away.
When you have a minute would you care to stop by for some Coffee with Jesus?!
~ NRIGirl
That sunrise...oh my.
Thanks for the visit...I love this, "I won't bug you... just planting the seed."
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