This little collection started because of a kitty... named Angel... and while Angel is no longer with us, her little legacy remains. I suppose that it is not really the angel part that matters most in my heart... I think it is more the people who find the angels for me... that they think of me while they are out and about in the world. I have angels from Sweden, from Belgium... from Africa...
I have angels from Target, and from many, many craft fairs, and I have angels from friends...
On vacation is the only time I really search them out... I have this pretty conch angel from the Bahamas & our Disney Cruise...
...and this one from Petosky Michigan.
Walking by this wall gives me joy... and reminds me, daily, to be thankful for the very precious people in my life.
Updated 6/29/09
This wall makes me smile. I cannot walk by it without noticing one of my winged treasures and not think of the person who gave it to me. This wall is covered in friendship and love... and certainly makes me smile!
Thanks Heathahlee for hosting this party today!

I also love your angel wall. I love that you are passionate about collecting them. When ever I see angels...I always think of you.
Those simple, white wings....well, they are *MY* favorite. ;)
Wonderful collection!
How many do you have??
Isn't it going to be COOL to one day actually SEE what angels really look like? I can't wait! The descriptions in the Bible lead me to believe that they are such large and magnificent (and slightly intimidating) creatures!
I would love to see a real angel. It would be WAY cool.
But, until that day, angel collections are the next best thing!
Dawn, thank you SO much for linking up! I love that wall! The stories all those angels hold...LOVE it! And I have one of those wire angels you have at the bottom of the first picture. I got it in Mountain View, Arkansas, and it reminds me of the times we spent there.
Thanks again!
I love your angels. I love that you have them from all over the world! That is really cool.
I have an angel in my "smile post", too :)
Hi Dawn! I came over from Heather's link to see what made you smile. I love your angel wall! How sweet is that! Thanks for sharing! God Bless! Lauralu :)
What a fun collection. They make me smile too!!!!!
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