Cinnamon overcomes my senses as I walk in the door and I know... that he has been to Publix and brought home my favorite it-must-be-fall treat. The cinnamon broom. I follow my nose and seek out corners until it appears, and quickly send him a text You are the best husband ever. And he is... to me. Such a simple gesture and he probably can't even fathom how much it means to me... this week especially.
This week has found me on the brink of tears more than once. More than a few times. There is so much on the inside... and the thoughts are getting mixed in my mind. I want to grasp each thought as it spins on through... hoping not to send even one off to neverland, because while they are big and deep thoughts, they are mine... and I think that there is a purpose to their spinning. I scribble and sort, and sigh with relief when the phone rings, setting me free from my own self, and it is good to focus on something else... someone else.
I will get to where I need to be... I will sort and organize my mind... but oh, it seems a bit easier when the scent of cinnamon fills my senses.

linking up to Dayle's Simple Pleasures today... because it is the little things in life that make me smile, help me to breathe just a bit easier.
ugh, I know that feeling. Take good care of yourself...
and I love cinnamon too...if you add apples to that it's fall to me.
Aw, what a sweet thing for your husband to do! I hope that soon you can figure out all your thoughts, and what to do with them. I think I know what you mean about all that. :)
That Eric. How sweet. Of course, he'd have to be sweet to get a girl like you.
I thank you that, even in the midst of your own stresses, you reached out to me this week. I so appreciate you.
And I just KNEW that such a product as that cinnamon broom was available SOMEWHERE! I wanted to find one of these to use as the base for my front-door swag. Alas, no Publix around here. Such a nice store. . . maybe they'll come to North Carolina some time.
Love you!
Dawn, you already know how much I love your way with words, and I'm thrilled that you're sharing it with the Simple Pleasures party today. I hope you'll make it a habit. As for that good-smelling broom, don't you just love those? What a true simple pleasure! Not to mention a husband who remembers every year. :)
What a sweet guy you have there :)
You know I'm there with you...
What a clever and tender way of saying "I love you!"
Traditions are a good thing.
Husbands, aren't they wonderful? And to think they aren't paying attention.
Praying your feeling better.
Thanks for sharing!
What a precious way to show his love! And such a great way to express your thoughts of simple pleasure. It is in the "little things"!
Joining in Simple Pleasures today,
Whenever I see those brooms, I think of YOU.
Glad Eric knows the simple pleasures that make you smile. I do hope the rest of your week is easier...settle that mind of yours.
How blessed you are to have a hubby who does thoughtful stuff like this and believe it or not, I have never seen one of these. I am going to have my eyes out to find one of these.
Praying that God helps you sort out all these wild and wonderful thoughts going on, and use them to glorify Him.
God bless you richly,
I know the exact aroma because I love it too. It makes me all calm and warm inside.
To have a husband who *gets* you so entirely and knows what will delight you is a true simple pleasure!!
Love this, Dawn.
the smell of cinnamon has to be the best. Take gentle care of yourself ok.....Stay strong....
: ) Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I love him too! In a nice wholesome bloggy way!
Yes, cinnamon makes many things better!
Not sure what is swirling, but let it swirl and twirl, you will find your way to something and be better for it!
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