Week one, day three... done. I couldn't have done it with out him, or Him. We don't chat much along the way, other than the five minute warm-up... but just knowing he is by my side keeps me going. And today, day three, when the sun was still blaring strong and the heat tried to talk me out of any motivation I felt ... He provided the most amazing breeze. And before I knew it... we were done. Bring on week two...

Good for you both!!!!
You only need each other for motivation.
You go, girl!
You're RUNNING? Really? I am so impressed. I'm good for walking, power-walking, even a bit of jogging thrown in, and I'm up for quite a bit of strength training. But running? Oh, golly. Good for you! You rock!
Wow. I'm impressed. I really need to do something like this. A gal from Bible study (who is probably 70,if she's a day) walks every day and has invited me to join her. I really should.My fibromyalgia isn't near as bad in the morning(when she walks). I've missed visiting you my friend. I'll try to be a better commenter. OH, and could you please pray for the salvation of my sister, Harley? She was 27 years in Islam and is divorced from her Muslim husband now.I witnessed to her(again) on Sunday and she said she'll have to think about this.She is really messed up and very sad. I'd appreciate your prayers. Thx. in advance.X-C
Love that photo. Glad you're motivated to put some miles on that shiny new pair of sneakers on the right :)
impressive!! way to go!
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