The other day I walked in and saw... the biggest Lego mess I had seen in quite a while. My eyes widened and I might have made a comment... but I looked up and saw him at work. Building. And it was... homework. The History of Legos research paper needed a visual...
Sunday I peeked around a door way and saw... a Lego masterpiece in progress. Two of my most favorite boys were up to their eyeballs assembling the Lego City Police Station. Steven's birthday gift. The teamwork between them made me smile... especially when they leaned their head together and Steven shouted Teamwork! Oh those smiles... they melt my heart everytime.
Legos make a mess... and it hurts like heck to find one with your bare foot. But this Mama will never complain. Nope. The light in his eyes when he is stretching his imagination beyond what is is just another gift I count myself lucky enough to receive.

Linking up to Tuesdays Unwrapped at Chatting at the Sky...
There's a lot of lego love in our house too :)
Honestly--it looks as if you've taken a photo of Lee's room. But you're quite right. It's a beautiful mess. And the beauty far outweighs the mess. Thanks for the reminder!
I love that you can see beyond the mess and see the magic in there.
It has taken me a looonnnnggg time, but I am kinda getting there as well.
THANK YOU, Dawn for the perfect perspective! This shows us all that in the "diamond in the rough" is truly spectacular and worth the mess! Be blessed!
And it always seems like they "need" more Legos right?? :)
I love legos too, in spite of the mess. My kids' imaginations seem to go big places with them.
So true! My little guy has been in his room for 45 minutes "cleaning up" his Legos. Every time I peek in, he's still playing.
Legos are a brilliant invention and responsible for many hours of fun over here too. You can almost see their brains developing as they play.
but aah...the mess.
Tolerating the messes of childhood is one of the greatest things a parent can do. It'll all be gone before you know it. Love this post!
Ahh, a favorite childhood toy and now a favorite of my own children. They are currently 'building' there own block creations underfoot of course but I too wouldn't trade that for anything. So blessed.
Experienced mom hint ... spread a sheet on the floor before dumping legos. Makes pick-up a breeze! :)
Long live Legos and the creativity they represent! {Because of Legos I have learned to tread more carefully when I walk through the house at midnight.}
I love the lego messes at our house too! I know that once they're gone we'll miss them, not the ouchy feet though!
That is wonderful. Such a blessing you saw beyond the mess as to what was really going on... a masterpiece in progress. Great post!
Love it! I still love to play with Legos. They can bring the kid in me in no time. Fun fun! : )
You are a good mama, girl! I think I may have started ranting and raving!
thank-you for the sweet memories of lego-creating boys! i have 2 huge bins in the attic, storeda way for another day...
sweet post!
My boys always knew if they were knee deep in legos, I would never ask them to do anything else.
I just couldn't interupt what happens when they create!
Good times, good times.
You are so good! I try to remind myself daily to look beyond the mess at what is really important!
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