It was Confirmation Sunday yesterday. I love the celebration of it... and enjoyed being witness to the three young people making their commitment to their faith. Each of them took part in the service in their own way, which seemed to make their commitment a bit more.
As the confirmands received Communion for the first time, the choir sang... Every Day is a Gift from the Lord. The same song Laura had sung as her part of her Confirmation service three years ago. Nearing the end of the song, my daughter stepped out from her row and sang her solo. Through tears in my eyes, I thanked God again for the gift of her song, and for the courage He places in her heart. It was a very sweet reminder of yesterday.
When it was time for me to receive Communion, Camden was by my side, and Pastor placed his hand on Cam's head, looked into his eyes, and told him Next year this will be you being confirmed. Jesus loves you now and always. And there was my peek at tomorrow... and the promise it holds.

Wow, what a day!
I keep a very steady supply of waterproof mascara. What about you? :)
Oh, this is just so beautiful.
I am proud of your children as well.
Hi Dawn!
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!
I appreciate the company.
Wow, your daughter has a beautiful singing voice...oh, that is a dream of mine to have if I ever get a wish from a genie.
Love the blue of your blog. Love the persoanl touches as well.
It was nice to stop by and see and read a little more about you!
.mac :)
beautiful, just beautiful!
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