I remember visiting someone I thought I really knew... and being surprised that her dining room had such brightly colored chairs... and that she had an alpaca throw rug in the sitting room. It wasn't that I didn't think she was fun (oh, she is so much fun...) it just wasn't what I had imagined. Since then... I have thought that you don't fully know someone until you visit their home. When you see what someone surrounds themselves with, it adds a whole extra layer of goodness. I love to have people over (when my house is clean)... and I suppose I like them to see the bits and pieces of my heart that are strewn around our home... to learn what makes me really smile.
Ice cream... always ice cream. Even when I am serving dinner, dessert is on my mind. Ice cream cookie jars, salt shakers & more... tucked into the nooks & crannies of the dining room.
Tucked into the hallway, this old print tray is full of tiny treasures. Well, not full. There's always room for more.
Photos remind me of the yesterdays... and the stone lighthouse lamps, too.
And this... is where it all began.
We cram a lot of life in this home of ours...
It is not the home I love, but the life that is lived here. -Elsie de Wolfe

Richella is hosting a house party... or rather, a what makes your home special party. And if Richella is throwing a party... I sure don't want to miss it!

oh how i love this!!! what a great idea for a party! ;)
and i'm loving the old print tray {not-so} full of treasures! ;)
I couldn't agree with you more! I love being in people's homes. Whether their homes are tiny apartments or huge estates, you learn so much by seeing what things they surround themselves with.
I'd say that it makes sense for a Florida girl to be an ice cream lover. I like the thought of your having little ice creamy things tucked here and there all around your house. Wish I could come have some with you!
I loved seeing those adorable pictures of little Laura and Cam. And you and Eric on your wedding day. Now, I want to know--was that little bride and groom statue on your wedding cake?
Your home looks like such a fun, welcoming place to be--a real home, not just a house. Thank you so much for showing us some of the things you do to make it that way. I SO appreciate your joining the party!
Love you!
This is so wonderful.
I do love your home..it is so you.
But even more special? The people living in it.
So true about someone's home, isn't it? I always feel slightly vulnerable having someone to my home as it really is a piece of me and of my family.
What great little touches! I love the old print trays, a great way to display little tchotckes!
thank you for the peek into your home and your life. :))
I love that little treasure box with the compartments!
Hi, Dawn! I love the "tiny treasures," so cute!!! The ice cream theme is so fun too. Very nice little homey touches.
I'm visiting from Richella's "Special Touches" party. :)
Visiting from Richella's party! The print tray is amazing! Such a great display for all the little things that would be lost or broken if put out somewhere else! I am with you on the pictures, I had so many pictures every where I finally broke down and bought a digital picture frame because I was running out of room!
Sentimental, that's what you are. ;)
Love the quote.
So true, about knowing someone better when you see what they like to surround themselves with... I love dessert, too. Lovely photos, they are always so fun to look at when I visit someone! Lezlee
Your print tray is FABULOUS!! Thanks for sharing your life with us! Home is truly where your heart is!!
just perfect! just so you know, I admire you so much!
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