If we were really meeting for coffee tonight I'd let you know first off that it is not strep throat, not contagious. It is sinus... again. I went to the doctor last week to head it off at the pass, but apparently I wasn't sick enough yet. Oh well, I am getting there.
If we were really meeting for coffee... I'd let you know that Laura looked beautiful in her homecoming dress, and had a great time with her friends. And while she was {not} dancing, Cam & I ran out to do a couple of errands and had a quick dinner together, just the two of us. I'm so glad he is content to spend the time with me.
If we were really meeting for coffee... I'd tell you that we have a free weekend coming up. Free, as in no band or concession commitments. I am going to try to get my fall decorations out... and finally stash the Easter ones away (they are not on display, just in a pile in the sewing room.) Truly though, I wish it was just a little cooler... so we could run away to some state park and camp under the stars. Hopefully it won't be too much longer.
If we were really meeting for coffee today... I might just gush a little over how my son was rockin' in his drum lesson today. It was cool. But then I'd probably get a little teary-eyed and tell you that I've been trying to work on his Africa post... and the words won't come. I suppose they will, in their own sweet time.
One thing I am sure of... that over coffee, there would be laughter, and living.
Because it is what friends do.

Hope you get your sore throat taken care of... that's a pain... literally...
And can't wait for Cam's post :)
tears of course, I want to be with you for coffee. love you
Come on over. Right now. It'll have to be decaf--coffee or tea is fine, you choose--but come on. We'll sit and laugh and have the best time. And you can tell me all about it. All of it. I don't think I'd ever grow tired of listening to you! :)
thank you for tea :) i hope you feel better soon!
So lovely to catch up with you, Dawn. And don't worry, the words for Cam's post will come. Go for a walk...sometimes it helps when I leave my desk and get some exercise...it gets the creative energy flowing.
Her dress is so pretty. (I went back to peek)
I love a good evening cup of tea (or coffee). And the beautiful sound of quiet at the end of the day.
I also have to give you big kuddos for being the mom of the boy who plays drums. :)
Thank you for sharing a cup of coffee with me!
I do so enjoy my visits with my blogger friends!
I love your wisdom in waiting for a post to come, sometimes we just force it when it isn't ready yet.
I have a sinus headache to go with that sore throat today. Your tea was just the ticket. Thanks! Hope you feel better soon.
Having coffee with you is the best...virtual or real.
I like dropping in on your virtual coffe... I need to jump in a join up next time. hey don't sweat the Easter decor... you were gobetrotting!!! that is way better than putting decorations away.
sorry i am so late for coffee this week but thanks for joining in! hope you are feeling better by now because that is absolutely no fun! hooray for free weekends, those are so necessary i think, the busier i am the more frazzled i am, i hate that.
see you next tuesday!
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