June 11, 2012

return to charleston

Eight years ago our little family was stretched across states... but we counted a thousand thanks for Charleston over Kuwait (which is a long story that is just going to wind back around to the Grace of God.) For a year we lived apart, him serving our beautiful country, us holding up our home front. The weeks were uneasy, but the comfort of knowing safety and being only a day away filled the spaces until one of us travelled the road to bring us back together. The year was long, but in that time, the charm of Charleston grabbed a bit of our hearts, never to let go.
: :
The transporting is almost instant, crossing the imaginary border between Georgia and South Carolina. The highway narrows, two lanes are enough, thank you, and the guard rail travels the road in rust red. And while you are minding your own business, keeping eyes to the pavement, the world opens into a wide of green marsh, stretching and winding, pulling you in.

We are returning to Charleston for just a bit... a lovely gift from a beautiful soul and surely, the Grace of God. Laura rattles the list of memories to revist and Camden says he plans to remember it all this time...
: :
road trip gifts...
silliness from the backseat, road trip snacks, a smile from the boy
internal camera memory, georgia peaches, a u-turn for pie
peach cider, almost there, and really almost there...


Southern Gal said...

It's the bridge!! You're so close. Have fun.

Richella Parham said...

I love Charleston! Patriot's Point is one of our favorite places in the whole wide world. I'm not kidding. I carried a two-month old baby all around Patriot's Point once. I remember sitting on a shady bench on the Coast Guard cutter so that I could nurse him. But we just have to go there any time we're in Charleston! And it's much easier to get there now that there's that gorgeous bridge. :)

Have fun!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Love this! I love that you are all relaxed and enjoying this trip together this time!

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