September 17, 2008

fruits & veggies

It has been a tough three weeks... just running. Here and there. It is quite unusual for the four of us not to sit down for dinner all together, but lately it seems almost impossible. We have been running to campaign meetings, marching band practice, piano lessons, boy scouts, choir practice, school nights, and football games. It is only temporary, I know... but I miss my family. I'm going to miss marching season, too, but it will come again. Tonight was a rare evening... no one had any place they needed to be. No one had to run out to a meeting. No one had to be driven to a lesson. Ahhhh. Eric had put together a roast in the crock pot, so dinner wasn't rushed... just ready. And it felt wonderful to sit down at the table, the four of us, and share a meal together in the midst of a busy week. Homework was done and the kitchen cleaned up by 6:30. And though no one had to be anywhere, we jumped in the car, and headed out. On a mystery ride, one of our old favorite tricks. And the fun of a mystery ride is not just the destination, it is also the conversation along the way. But conversation was limited this evening... because we were singing along to a Veggie Tales CD. Just silliness... and sillier still when we try to imitate the veggie voices. Between songs, the kids tried to guess where we were going, and like good tricky parents, we gave no clues. We ended up at Tropical Smoothie, in the quaint little college town, just down the road. We chose our own fruity concoctions, then tried everyone elses pick (yes, Mom, we shared straws!) And we walked a little, just enjoying our time together. I am thankful for this rare evening. I am thankful that even at 11 & 14, our children love to join in our silliness. I am thankful.


HappyWifeHappyLife said...

That is so nice. Little spontaneous moments with family are gems, aren't they? Lovely. Happy you were able to get away and do that.

Sometimes are those scheduled activities are absolutely TYRANNICAL! :-)

btw... my meeting with the school today was fabulous... I just posted about it. Thanks for all your prayers this week - I really appreciate it. :-)

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is great. I know you are BOTH busy right now. I don't know how you can keep it all together, but you can do it.
Sounds like a fun night...out into the wilderness, I mean Ave Maria. that place IS beatiful. Any help/support they get out their is good for all of us right? take care.

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