Dear Panda Headphones,
You are just about the cutest things I have ever seen! I don't know where Suz found you, but I may be sending you back if you continue to listen to my ipod while it is tucked away in my purse! I was so looking forward to listening to some music while I worked, but it seems you used up just about all of the battery. Imagine my disappointment! Good thing you are so cute...
Dear Golf Safari,
You are our favorite. Always have been, always will be. We may have tried the big, new and fancy-schmancy mini-golf, but it just doesn't have the same charm. Or the memories. When we come, we retrace them... all the way back to Laura's 6th birthday. Thank you for taking the expired coupon, and for sharing your safari animals with us. {I won't even hold it against you that my only hole-in-one jumped right back OUT and no one would count it!}
Dear Camden,
I felt like a bad Mom... letting you walk up the path just a little bit more when I was too scared to go another inch! It wasn't the gator on the side I was afraid of, but what might have been lurking unseen. Your Mom is a big fraidy-cat. I hope that you will never be too brave though, when it comes to wild creatures!
i promise, promise, promise this was taken with ZOOM!!! and he was not as huge as he looks here! |
Dear Friends,
I hope your weekend is fantastic... and warm!

Thank you for telling me that was shot a good distance away. I would be a fraidy cat, too. I just would. It is warmer here, but the rain has moved in and makes it feel cold. It's all OK, though. We have heat and warm drinks and socks!
I'm calling Family services….you were shielding yourself with your child from a 'gator. :) LOL! You know they have BIG teeth right?
I don't know why you blame the panda headphones on the battery loss…perhaps it was all the other things in your purse???
Safari golf; love it!!!
Even with a zoom that looks a bit scary to me! That is one animal we don't have on this coast and I have to say I don't miss them : ) Cute headphones - hope you find a way for them to quit listening to music without you!
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