Boston Cream Pie Cake with candles around every inch of the top. His big gift? A tent-cot... that I'm sure he'll sleep in tonight.
July 17, 2008
birthday boy
Happy Birthday to my Husband, Love of my Life, Honey Bunches of Oats... I love watching him open gifts... you would think he was three the way he tears the paper and tosses it up and over to anywhere, with anticipation and excitement in his face. I love that he's a lot more than three, and still acts this way. Birthdays should be fun- pure joy and celebration... being thankful for life, love and family... and any gifts that might come your way! His birthday dinner? Seven layer dip and cheeseburgers. His cake? 
Boston Cream Pie Cake with candles around every inch of the top. His big gift? A tent-cot... that I'm sure he'll sleep in tonight.
Silly? You bet... it's just one of the many reasons I love him.
(Laura & Cam love trick candles... so Eric can almost just expect them... but they got him this year! All of the candles looked alike, but only some of them were trick candles! And as the scattered candles continued to light, he just poised himself over the cake,resigned to it. There was a lot of wax on the chocolate glaze... and probably some other stuff too...)
Boston Cream Pie Cake with candles around every inch of the top. His big gift? A tent-cot... that I'm sure he'll sleep in tonight.
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