May 22, 2011

moments on another mountain

It would come to me at different times during the week... the reminder that we were going to the concert Friday night.  Just remembering brought a smile to my face, and a dollop of hope to my heart.  I just knew there would be something just for me at that concert.  Something God knew I needed.  Something I was having trouble finding on my own.  On my own... looking back, perhaps there was the problem right there. 

I love a Christian rock concert.  I love the hand clapping, I love the singing and the shouting of Amens, I love the dancing-in-my-own-little-space, I love the freedom to throw up my hands and praise the King when the Spirit moves something in me to do it.  And I love that for one sliver of time, He brings me to the mountain-top to praise... with scripture flowing and lyrics reverberating through the arena.  All God-breathed.  All for me.  And when the disco ball dropped from the ceiling, a flash of too much? travels through... but just a flash, because before the thought is even complete, you are surrounded by stars.  A million points of light, moving in the darkness... and thousands of hands lifted in praise, singing... Holy, You are Holy...
I love a Christian rock concert.

So did I find what I was looking for?  On no. It was better than that.  He found me in that place, and released whatever it was that I had set in place to block His Light.  He reminded me that I need not wait until I get my junk together... or figure out whatever was the cause of my distance was.  Mike from Tenth Avenue North spoke such beautiful words to the crowd... the reminder that our Savior is so beautifully backward from the world.  Come thirsty. Come dirty. Come broken. Come as you are... just come

This is not about what you've done, but what's been done for you.
This is not about where you've been, but it where your brokenness leads you to.
This is not about what you feel, But what He felt to forgive you, And what He felt to make you loved.

-You Are More by Tenth Avenue North

And with heart and palms open, raised to the King... my voice sang and my heart felt free.  Free...


Southern Gal said...

Sounds like it was just what you needed at just the right time. ;)

Unknown said...

He always finds us, doesn't he?
Just when we need to be found.
Love third day.

Loui♥ said...

Thank you Dawn..
for taking us with you..
and sharing ..
the beauty..
of believing..
warmest hugs..

Pam said...

So glad you had such a great night...written just for you. I love those experiences...loved going to see Chris Tomlin last summer. Very much reminds me of this. Just a precious time. Free...

Busy Bee Suz said...

Sounds like a wonderful evening...that YOU needed.

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