I have been asked, a few times in my life, "If you were trapped on a deserted island, what is the one thing you would want with you?" What a question! I never have an answer... how could I choose? My husband? My scrapbooks? Chocolate? Sunscreen? But today, as I was wandering and waiting, I figured it out. I'd want Walgreens. They have everything... really, I think they do. Around each corner and down each aisle there is something new and amazing... things you never knew existed, but now, suddenly think you might need!
Do you need socks? They have them!
How about an Ant Farm? They have that, too!
Lip gloss? Many, many, many flavors...
You can even get "Fat Hair!"
In a pinch, you could even plan a wedding... complete with dress
...and shoes
Need your life to be a little sweeter? Purse sized honey!
And of course... if you want to save on shipping and handling, stop by and personally choose any item you've seen on TV.
Yes... if I was stranded on a deserted island, I'd take Walgreens...
Today, though, it would've been nice, if I'd actually remembered to buy the things I really went there for...
Yeah,,,,,they have lots of stuff.
But I despise the pharmacy dept.
They ALWAYS mess up the RX's. I try to avoid them now...
Ha! I'm the same way about Walgreen's.... all the other drugstores that are actually must closer to me (CVS, Rite Aid, etc. are a DISTANT second to Walgreen's). Walgreen's has got everything I need plus the layout is very "user friendly" to me. And it's always clean. (BIG plus.) :-)
Funny...but I NEVER go to walgreen's. CVS girl here...which is kinda icky.
really, CVS is my favorite...i have decided, somewhere along the way, that i think it is the carpeting that gives it a cozier feeling? but walgreens is the closest... and 24hrs... and they have everything!
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